African Microfinance Senior Management Retreat
Microfinance institutions are only as strong as the collective competencies of members of their management teams. Board Directors, CEOs and Executive Management teams need to continuously re-tool and adjust to changes, especially the macroeconomic changes that emerged post COVID lockdown. We must build resilient institutions that identify and harness opportunities and deliver value to all stakeholders in the short run and long run. What are the overarching changes in the industry that require strategic changes in the management of MFBs? How do you lead your team to develop strategic plans that consistently deliver corporate objectives?
How can productivity be improved across all cadres of staff? How do you position for viable long-term funding? Which are the more efficient routes to digitalization? How does your performance compare against those of peer-MFIs? How do you as a leader stay continuously energized, motivated, and enthusiastic about work? This retreat is designed to answer these questions and more for MFB Board Members, CEOs, and Senior Managers.
- Chairpersons
- Managing Directors/ CEOs
- Executive and Non-Executive Directors
- Senior Managers
- Government Rural Finance/ MSME
- Agency Directors
- Ice Breaking Meet-and-Greet Cocktail (night before commencement)
- Harnessing the Benefits of Trends in the Microfinance Industry
- Management Styles, Lifestyle, Wellness and Money
- Strategic Plans That Deliver Corporate Objectives
- Building a Resilient Organization
- Viable Funding Options and how to Position your MFI
- Corporate Productivity Multipliers
- Evolution or Extinction? – Determine Your Digitalization Future
- Peer Review
- Bringing Home the Value
- Action Planning
- Video, Executive Exercises and Games
- Case Studies and Group Discussions
- Visit to a Local Tourist Attraction
- Reenergized and freshly motivated microfinance leader
- Keener insights into the trends in the industry and how to exploit them
- Opportunities for peer review
- Deeper understanding of how to position your MFI for funding
- Techniques for developing strategic plans that consistently deliver corporate goals
- Tools for improving corporate productivity and consequently profitability
- Procedure for aligning MFB’s strategies and operations with changing market conditions
- Insights into alternative digitalization routes
- Strategies for building resilient institutions that withstand external shocks
$2,500 per delegate (includes retreat fee, accommodation for 4 nights, and visit to one tourist attraction).
For further details please contact us @; or